Preparing for Thanksgiving part 3

Welcome to Part 3 of a 10 part series from our parent contributor, Beth Lattime. You can check out part 2 here.

Listen to your other offspring

Ethan has a big sister, Cecelia, who is wise beyond her years. She has helped me pack Ethan’s “outing bag” for social gatherings. I have heard her tell me all about the things that baby bro enjoys. “Mom, Ethan loves all of the VTech vehicles but not the tracks. He loves tub toys. Can we buy him some that we can just keep in his bag?” These are just a few of many things that we have learned.

I mentioned the bags and the Tupperware lids. I know. I know. You don’t want your child playing with things that aren’t toys, right? It makes them look freaky and out of place. I get it. Think about this for a minute though. Can you interchange appropriate with inappropriate items? Let your child have opportunities to play with both preferred and unpreferred items. Involve their siblings in this process. Tell their sibling to teach Aunt Sue how to play with your child with special needs. Not everyone knows how to play let alone play with a child that gets exhilarated by a Grandma’s Potato Salad lid. 

*Beth Lattime, M. Ed. is a developmental specialist and intervention specialist. Her professional experiences span over classroom, clinical, home-based, and recreational environments. She can now proudly add her own natural environments to her list of experiences. Ethan was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms in 2012 which is a rare type of epilepsy and had a former diagnosis of dysphasia. He is currently undergoing intensive therapies at LLA for apraxia and deficits in the arenas of physical and occupational therapy as well. For more on Beth’s story, visit
